Amanda Malm (of The Vintage A) visits Spell HQ.
Amanda; Swedish blogger, designer, seamstress, traveler, (in other words a woman of many talents) is currently living in Oz at the moment and was in Byron this week – she visited us at Spell HQ and I found this gorgeous photo diary on her blog. It’s so fun seeing our studio through someone else’s eyes! You go in to work every day and it all starts to look so samey! But then all of a sudden you see it from a different angle – like when Robbin Williams gets the students to stand up on their desks on Dead Poets Society haha…
If you’re planning a road trip up to Byron I’d definitely advise checking out Amanda’s blog, her photo diaries are gorgeous – she even inspired me to try to experience Byron as a traveler once again one day!
I contacted Amanda and asked her a few Q’s, as we love to do here at Spell, and she was gracious enough to get back to me with some thoughtful A’s:
Top 3 things you’ve loved about visiting Byron Bay?
The lifestyle, the people and the creativity! It’s not often you visit a place where the lifestyle is so relaxed, the people are friendly and where there is so much creativity in the air like in Byron! You guys are lucky to live in such an amazing place!
Your fave aussie labels?
Beside you guys and your lovely Spell designs i really love Alushia Sanchia. I discovered her jewellery label when I lived in Fremantle WA, and i just love everything she makes! It seems like Aussie designers are getting more and more popular in Europe, especially in Scandinavia, and im discovering new awesome Aussie labels all the time!
You learnt how to make clothes from your mum, what was the best thing she taught you?
My mum is a huge inspiration for me and considering the hours i spent in her atelier and studio, I guess it makes sense for me to walk down this road too! Besides sewing and designing she also taught me to take things for what it is and not to worry too much. And to always go my own way just like she has always done!
What’s your ultimate photoshoot location?
I have a thing for Cuban style right now, so an old Havana café, 70’s style would prob be my dream location at the moment!