via Free People Blog. A true sister affair with pics taken by Lizzy | H&M by Spelly’s twin, Luciana Rose
Free People have a truly awesome blog – it’s updated every day with all manner of juicy, inspirational sources. One of my faves are their ‘Style Files’ where they regularly capture different creatives in their out-and-about gear or office outfits and this time they wanted a few pics of us rock’n our thang at Spell HQ.
Well we all know how much I just LovE being in front of the camera (yeah right) so I decided to stay safely behind the camera for this one and take the snaps. Spell brought a big unkempt pile of her clothes and started creating outfits while Luciana prettified Spelly’s already beachy hair (so cool having a sister who’s a hair and makeup artist!!). It was such a great little morning!
Most of the pieces Spell is wearing are Spell, but the vintage faux fur jacket and the vintage tee are from The End Collective in Byron Bay.